Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Day 3 of Pool Building....Rebar

Today was Rebar Day. At about 6am, I heard a car door shut and of course, I was out of bed to see who was here. A tall, thin man that looked like Clint Eastwood was carrying rebar strips to the backyard. Well, I was already up, so I decided I might as well start my day. Ty came around the corner and said, "Mom, let's go running!". So we got dressed and off we went.
The man worked from 6am until about 4pm installing the rebar alone and it was only 100 degrees today. Talking about feeling guilty sitting inside an air-conditioned house!!!! Here are some pictures of our pool today....
And more rebar....

1 comment:

Jodie and the boys said...

So, when is that pool going to be swim worthy?? My boys would be mesmerized by the process going on in your backyard! We need to get together some time!